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Introduction :
Moringa or drumstick tree is used as a part of diet in India since ages. Its use in treatment is seen in Ayurveda from the times of Sushruta. Many of its parts like drumstick leaves, fruit, oil etc have immense health benefits targeted towards many systems like digestive, heart and circulatory system. It is being widely promoted as a “superfood” because of its rich nutritional profile.

“Moringa increases nervine stimulus, as a result, it can be used as a nervine tonic for a weak nervous system.Moringa is also useful in conditions like paralysis and facial palsy.It improves taste and increases appetite.Moringa improves digestive strength (agni).t is binding in nature and is good for diarrhea and helpful in problems like abdominal pain and abdominal distension.It is helpful in various Kapha dosha related problems, Moringa acts as a diuretic and has alkaline properties. So it is useful in dysuria (difficulty in passing urine) and if urine is more acidic, is helpful in problems related to menstruation like amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, over weight and Obesity”

Boost Stamina
Controls Diabetes
Lower Cholesterol
Controls Blood Pressure
Improve immunity
Stimulates hair growth
Delays aging process
Glowing Skin

Dosage Recommendation:
1 Tsp(4 gms) twice daily or as directed by physician

100 gms Pet Jar

Storage Conditions:
Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of Reach of Children.


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Vijay Ayurveda pharmacy
